New Books from Kersplebedeb

A box of books from Kersplebedeb in Canada is out on the shelves! 

Silvia Federici fans will be delighted to see Caliban and the Witch is back in stock, along with three of her other books. Fiction fans can pick up B Traven's classic, The Death Ship, Ytasha L. Womack's Afrofuturism and Michael Mohammed Knight's cheerfully daft Islamic punk fantasy, The Taqwacores

And we've finally got copies of Thomas King's The Inconvenient Indian, a brilliant intro to North American colonial and anti-colonial history and Michelle Cruz Gonzales account of feminist punk band Spitboy (they played a legendary gig at Thistle Hall in Pōneke back in the dark ages). 

Plus stuff on Makhno, 1968, Frantz Fanon, anarchism in the Philippines, Bookchin and more! 


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